Summer Glow of Citronella

So we are at the height of summer in the UK and with it comes the usual range of insects to nibble you in the evening glow.

So what is the alternative to getting bitten? Stay indoors or light up a candle that wards of the little blighters whilst you enjoy your evening of cold Pinot Grigio ( other beverages available).

So what does deter the insects and can it be done naturally?. Most outdoor insect repellent candles control DEET  or if you are really clever N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide.  DEET was developed  by Samuel Gertler for use by the United States Army following its experience of jungle warfare during  World War II and was originally tested as a pesticide on farm fields.

So whilst the mosquitos intensely dislike the smell it is also not so pleasant for us humans so I though I would look for an alternative to make up some summer candles myself.

There are many recipes available on the old interweb thing – it is down to which fragrance you like. I have added Essential oils in combinations of Citronella, Clove, Peppermint, and Cedarwood, Eucalyptus and Lemongrass. With my pale skin I am a natural target for the bugs but have found with a natural candle burning the bites are getting less.

I am of to light a candle and have a glass of something cold whilst the sun goes down……enjoy your summer and watch out for the flying ants.


Neroli – Fit For A Princess

Folklore – Fit For a Princess

Neroli is one of my favourite essential oils – light and fresh and suitable for all seasons. So have you ever thought about the folklore and tradition behind your essential oils?

The princess of Nerola in Italy gave her name to this oil which is used in many perfumes. It was traditionally used in brides bouquets to calm nerves before the big event.

The oil is steamed from the flowers of the orange blossom and is to be found in many countries with a Mediterranean climate including Tunisia, Morocco and France.

Aromatherapy Uses

This versatile oil has many uses for skin care circulation and the digestive and nervous system. Neroli is also used widely used in the pharmaceuticals industry for perfumes but also in the food industry as it is added to alcohol and soft drinks.

Handmade Soap

I choose to combine this sweet oil with orange oil to give a gentle feminine scent to our handmade soap – I hope you enjoy it.