Do you know what is in your Soap?

What is in it?

Over the last few months I have noticed a change in customers habits when stopping to admire and smell my soaps and candles. I have had some great conversations with customers on topics such as: bar soap vs liquid soap, the use of Palm Oil, various skin conditions and can you use it in the shower……

It has been noticeable that people are beginning to take more of an interest into what goes into a product and if I actually make the soap myself.

Some of the comments have been: ”they smell lovely but I only use liquid soap”, “Do you have some of the Shampoo Bars they sell in LUSH”, “Are you’re soaps suitable for Vegans”, “How long will the soap last”, and lastly – “Do you have any Unicorn Soap”.

The Truth IS….

I know exactly what goes into my soaps as I buy all the ingredient’s from a few key suppliers that I have been trading with for the last 3 years. I make the soap myself, I do not have any little helpers and do not outsource it, I also make soap for a few customers and label it under their own branding but I still remain the ‘Responsible Person for the soap as listed on the CPNP (Cosmetic Product Notification Portal). My soap has been cosmetically certified and not tested on animals.

Palm Oil – yes I use it in my core range – palm oil is used in thousands of everyday products that maybe some people  are not aware of, I am looking at replacing it but I do have an alternative range that does not contain palm oil but does contain Goats milk so it is not suitable for the Vegan customer. As much as I would like to make soap to cater for everybody’s preferences it is not possible to do so but do thank all the customers who have bought from and supported me over the last few years.

So what next?

I have been trialling recipes for a Shampoo bar but not yet happy with the results so will continue testing with a view to having the product ready in the summer. To answer the question of how long the soap will last will depend on how often you wash and if you keep it out of water on a soap dish in between use.

I will never have the same soap sold in LUSH……

I do not have any Unicorn Soap but 2019 may be the year…..





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